As described by the Forbes“2012is primed to be the year of social”; we understand that social media is absolutely crucial for an online business to explore new heights and help a merchant succeed in the web arena. Social media allows you to engage more customers, have new businesses, and most importantly, extract invaluable customer’s feedback that will in turn motivate other customers to use your service. This will eventually lead into increased sales.One of the significant aspects of AspxCommerce e-commerce solution is the Social Commerce feature. Features that offer your e-commerce site a perfect environment for users to interact and share their opinion.
It’s not the company’s website or Facebook or Twitter account that drives new customer to join your service, but the consumer feedback states nielsenwire. AspxCommerce community edition offers efficient social media tools such as Ratings & Reviews, Compare, Wishlist, Email a friend, SocialBookmarks and Product tags right out of the box. These feature help your customers compare quality of products, share their opinion about a product,share in social media, gather instant feedback and most importantly, shop with ease. Furthermore, as you’ll have real-time access to your customer behavior at your fingertips you need not wait for long to know the feedback or the trend developing in the consumption of information on your site. Therefore an advantage to publish the positive feedback to encourage potential buyers is always at hand. Meanwhile, you can also work towards improving the shortcomings suggested by customers.
Hence, we, the AspxCommerce team, have integrated all the essential social tools required for your e-commerce store to keep your visitors engaged as well as make your site more livelier and . Therefore using the AspxCommerce community edition with a social view-point can be a win-win situation for you as a Merchant and your customers as well.